Monday, July 12, 2010

Consumer Reports

Today a couple of product reviews. Blockbuster's revision of RedBox (or more like Blockbuster’s try to compete with). It's a rent a movie in a box. Kinda like an atm for movies, great idea but not well executed on Blockbuster's part. Yeah, it's a $1 rental but like redbox they get'cha if not returned the next day. In an ideal world this would make sense if I would remember to take the movie back the next day. So far between redbox and now blockbuster express these $1 movies rentals have cost me about $25. Anyway back to blockbuster EXPRESS: I believe once our moive was selected, it took 15-20minutes for the machine to finish our transaction and give us our movie. Express? More like: Kinda sorta faster than the store. So double thumbs down. Netflix is still the leading movie rental phenomena.

Back yard mini pool. $20 at good ol' Walmart or Target (I've seen them at both places) I mean, it fits 2 adults (little mister was off to his dad's this past weekend) and if positioned in your day around Sunday afternoon nap time, it's a great way to work out that tan. Makes me 'o so happy. Put on a bit of Ray Charles shuffled with Rilo Kiley and you get 2 thumbs up from me for this product. I highly recommend one. Also good for nieces and nephews with water guns. A total war of getting soaked fun!!

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