Friday, June 25, 2010

BW life happenings

Hi, I have been doing some thinking about the "mood" of my blog. I feel like my posts are lacking and inspiration is missing lately. I apologize for that. So I'm going to start something new. Monthly I will update you on BW (the mister) things. They will vary from dreams, to quotes, to any other things that he does to continually keep me laughing. I am truly a lucky girl.
To start here are 2 recent dreams (quoted):
#1 "......and I started a clothing store in some posh mall in a mountain village. the thing was I was gay. it was funny i walked around a nervous wreck not knowing if we would succeed. our stuff was crazy priced $81 for a green wool knit tie. $82 for the matching socks. our service was terrible and all our customers were crumpy middle aged white dudes with pop bellies. the only woman shopper was the mom from home alone and she was pissed she couldn't be first in line.The dream ended with a makeout session between me and you in the changing room. I know I thought i was gay in the dream. maybe I was just waiting for the right girl to tickle my fancy."

#2"....a dream where I was going on a seek and destroy hunting expedition with Hubby, Chad, the captain on Jaws, Sylvester Stalon's son, and a martial artists with an infected foot looking for a cure. we had to cross a gator infested lake to get to an island where the creature we were hunting was looming.We were leaving from a lake house that you and I were going to buy from the lead singer of pearl jam. Jaxson was still 7 but for some reason he was packing to go off to college. we were unable to have any more children so we had 4 adopted babies 3,4,5,6 years old who were practicing gymnastics. "

seriously?? Those dreams make me smile all day. He is such a dreamer, everyday about every subject. We've made complete discussions about what we'd do if we won a million $$'s and also the appropriate shoes to be worn daily to evade bad guys because he always thinks in terms of super heroes. I have managed to find a man who is perfect for my son. We both adore him.

Next to come a monthly mixed tape, so that I can share with you what I am listening to, since I am always on the hunt for new bands and new albums and new music. that to come soon once I figure out an appropriate interweb/blogger site to work with what I'm thinking :)

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