Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dick, Kyra and Friends

You can't begin to know the history I come from. Think small, like the smallest town you know. Subtract that by 2500 and you've got my home town. I grew up in a town of 300 and I believe to get that number they included family pets??! I'm not a person who will sit here and go on and on about how great things were or that my childhood was perfect or that I'm the luckiest or happiest. (you know those awful yearbook writings from those morons, "reach for the stars and you will go far". I actually wrote in a kid friend of mine's annual and said "don't forget to feed your goats") However, I miss my childhood: I miss riding my bike. I miss the 2 great big pine trees in our back yard that my friends and I would play all day in. We would pretend we were on a stranded island and our only survival was to eat the apples from our forbidden neighbor’s tree. I miss Tom Cody, old creepy man who if you got too close you'd gag from the smell of urine and he would pinch you. I miss the grocery store, run and operated by the Duryea Family. I loved the candy section. I miss 308-643-2393. I miss RRI Box 72A. I miss the shoot. I miss the noise this sliding door made in the kitchen which when you heard it meant 2 thing: 1. I was about to be beaten with a fly swatter or Jill (our toy poodle) was getting fed. I miss the shop. (My grandpa-Eldon owned a trucking business and the shop was the place the trucks came to for maintenance) He (Eldon) drove a golf cart around because he lost his license from too many DUI's and he also had a power wash. I miss that too. BUT what all of this rambling is about today is to show you my favorite parts of my childhood:

My Grandpa Richard (his friends called him Dick) and my sister Kyra! (1988) And my beautiful mom and dad.(1982) LOOK.....

Kyra-no fakin' this blog :)

Song of the day: The Weepies-Can't Go Back Now

1 comment:

  1. You look alot like your mom! Strange how we grow up so fast, huh?
