Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Guitly pleasure that is. My blog is not only for me to ramble on about things that I think about but also to tell my silly little "guilty for liking" pleasures. Remember? Oh there are more where that came from.....

ISpencer (ICarly on Nickelodeon) but I LOVE Spencer (the older arty nerdy brother). Just so happens this little show is Jaxson's favorite and for Christmas he was given the 1st season on DVD. We watch it together and laugh at the same scenes over and over. Then when we are in public settings Jax will tell me to tell others about these scenes that make us laugh. That is a bit embarrassing, ya know?? I’m like “SHHHH, that is just between us, honey”
Back to Spencer: he makes these Spaghetti tacos that I have been meaning to try....and have my kid think I'm the coolest mom EVER. I may try that this weekend. Wow, it's only Tuesday, I shouldn't be speaking of the weekend quite yet......


Handsome Furs - Can't Get Started (this is not directed at you, bret! with the VW not starting or anything, )


  1. Joel has a man crush on Spencer. I swear.

    let us know how the tacos turn out, the kids are always asking for them :)

  2. Seriously, I have a crush too! Like I could spend my life with his character and laugh my life away. Laugh out loud business.....
