Thursday, December 10, 2009

A list of things

I'm pretty sure I make a list per day. A proper list of to do's, a list of outfits I could wear, or a grocery list. What ever way you put it, I'm a list maker. I love reading lists about people’s favorite things and what makes them happy. On the flip side though, every once in a while you just need to vent. I'd say 9-12" of snow on the ground could be the reason I am on the flip of happy list making. Read on to see my list of ten little things that really tick me off.....

1. Finding the perfect spot to sit in a barely full theater to only have a 7' dude sit in the seat in front of you.
2. Hang nails and paper cuts.
3. Driving with only one lane cleared due to the snow storm of the year hitting on your birthday.
4. Waiting until you get to work to have your first cup of coffee only to get 2 or 3 drops.
5. Realizing that you have something lodged in between your two front teeth hours after you last ate and no one bothered to tell you
6. Having your iPod die on you minutes after turning it on and no where near a charger.
7. Splinters.
8. Scooping tons of snow off your car at 7:00 in the morning.
9. Choking on water in the middle of a meeting.
10. Sitting down to watch a show that you watch at the same time on the same day only to find out it’s canceled for a sporting event or something stupid like that.

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